Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year!

Christmas was very special for me this year.
I'm going to show and explain,
the BEST present I received.

Trey and I,
 our grandson in Seattle. 
write back and forth to each other.
This way he can practice his penmanship 
and I can have his thoughts.

I sent him a list of things that I love.
He sent back his list, next to my list.
He asked that I read his list 
out loud on Marco Polo.
(video texting),

Here I am opening the letter from Trey.
Mind you, this is a video,
so theses pictures are blurry.

This is part of his letter...

Then I come to the last page and start reading...
(and crying)

I looked up at Tom, still filming, and words couldn't
come out!
Trey's last item on his long list was,
that they are expecting!

Below are pictures take from a video, also.

Kimmy had her kids sit down, while they
 watched the video of me reading Trey's list. 

When they heard Todd and Steph were excepting, 
Ila kept jumping up and down
Lulu had a huge smile on her face.
Levi was clapping and yelling.
Silas jump out of his seat and shouted.
Isaac just kept jumping up and down.
(I don't think he understood but everyone else was jumping so, it was a good excuse to jump on the couch)

Their reaction was so sweet.
They are so happy to be having another cousin!

Todd and Stephanie are expecting a 

If anyone is keeping count of how many
grandchildren we have,
this will be #9!


"Rejoice with those who rejoice; morn with those who morn."

Romans 12:15

Monday, December 17, 2018

Merry Christmas
Peace on Earth!

Celebrating the birth of our King!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Saying Thank YOU!

Thank You,
 to all our delivery guys!

This year we have used home delivery a lot.
From vitamins, books, lights, gifts and clothes!

The list goes on!

How about you, do you shop online?


"And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. "

2 Timothy 2:24

Monday, December 10, 2018

What's Been Going On...

  First Snow Fall  

Didn't stay for very long,


Our friends are starting a new coffee business,
 in this
English Double Decker Bus,
that they had shipped over, all the way from

Long hours of working hard, to get it ready,
because it's big debut, a night time

 And Tom and I were invited to help
walk along the side of the bus.

Glow sticks were made into 
big hoop earrings.

The bus was all decked out with lights everywhere!

We walked in front, along the sides of the bus, 
looking for any children that might dashing out in front.

We got our tree up!
It's called a Pencil Tree.
Great for small places, like ours.

But first it had to arrive on our front porch.
Then we needed to fluff it out, branch by branch,
add lights and a few ornaments.

Then came the packages.


Birthday time!
Kimmy had us over for dinner.

I was blessed with so much love!

Kimmy even hacked into my blog account and 
did a surprise blog post!

Birthday flowers.


"For we walk by faith not by sight."
1 Corinthians 5:7 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Happy Birthday Mother!

This is Kimmy mom has no idea I’m doing this. That’s what happens when you’re so close and you share everything like passwords to your blog. 😁

Today is Chris’s birthday! 
She is a blessing to us all! I love her and thank God for the godly woman she is. She’s the one who shared Jesus with me when I was a little girl. She’s also an amazing grandma who prays continually for each of her grandchildren. 

Happy Birthday Mother! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018 - McCall, ID

This year our families drove to McCall, Idaho
and we all stayed in our 
two vacation, rental homes.

Todd, Stephanie, Trey and Scarlett 
came from Seattle.
(it was the first time our Seattle family, met baby Nathan)

Kimmy, Mark, Lulu, Levi, Ila May, Silas, Isaac and
baby Nathan
came from Nampa.

Kimmy made a YouTube video that shows
our Thanksgiving fun!


The weather was perfect!
Fresh snow fell and we all went out 
and enjoyed it.

There was a lot of hugging going on!

Kimmy has started a new tradition.
 Who ever is attending Thanksgiving,
signs their name on the white tablecloth.
Each year will be a new color.
Each name then gets embroidered, in that year's color.
This year we used orange.

The full moon peeked out one night.

Looking at The Thomas house.

Highlight for me were all the pictures,
in their matching outfits.

Yes, it was cold and the kids were so good!

Best Thanksgiving!


"But the loving kindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting, on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children's children."

Psalm 103:17 

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

My Funny Man

Below is a text to Kimmy
from me,  this morning....

For years now, Kimmy has been helping him
select my birthday presents and Christmas gifts.

What makes this so funny is that Tom is known for
the gifts HE buys for me.
When Kimmy was younger and unable to assist him,
Tom gave me the funnest gifts!

Here are some  of Tom's very memorable gifts.

 *A huge encyclopedia book.
 *A book on how to loose weight.
* Work gloves   (I think he needed some)

But the most memorable gift was an outfit just like the one below.
We lived in Seattle and it rained a lot.

He told me that he knew I like to garden.
So, with this outfit I could work in the rain!

Needless to say, our son wore it one winter as a snowsuit.

So, glad Kimmy is my personal shopper for Tom, these days.

Now Tom just needs to remember where he hides all his gifts!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 15, 2018


This is Mark's birthday cake that I baked for him.
I almost cried when I took the cake out it's pan.

But then I remembered this
 Pintrest picture and thought.
"That's it!"

All I needed were some Kit Kats and some M &M's.

So off to the Dollar Store to get my supplies.

Several candy bars later and you'd never know!

 Results were better then I ever expected.

Happy   Birthday   Mark!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thanksgiving Decorations

Have you noticed that there are very few, if any,
Thanksgiving decorations for sale in stores?
Especially Pilgrims!
It goes from Halloween to Christmas.

  I have a small, but valued. collection of
Pilgrims and a few Indians.

What happened to our history and the stories
 of The Mayflower;
Pursuit of religious freedom;
Giving thanks to God for
even the smallest appreciation;
Friends helping and 
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


I let our grandchildren play with
my collection of Pilgrims.

I want them to know who about  our History
and why we celebrate.

This year, why don't you add a little American History to
your Thanksgiving table.
And be sure to thank
God for the many blessings
that he has given you.

Here are some facts about why we 
 give THANKS
at this time of year.

1. The Pilgrims came to America to avoid religious rules imposed by England.
2. The Pilgrims asked the King to start a new church, he denied it.
3. The Pilgrims moved to Holland until 1620.
4. On December  11, 1620, they landed at Plymouth Rock.
5. The Wampanago Indians were the people who taught the Pilgrims how to
get the land ready for planting.
6. By the Fall of 1621, only have of the Pilgrims, who sailed on the Mayflower, survived. The survivors, thankful to be alive, decided to prepare a thanksgiving feast.
7. The chief of the Wampanago tribe and about 90 Indians were invited to the feast by the Pilgrim leader, Governor William Bradford.
8. The first Thanksgiving was actually a three days celebration.
 9. Plymouth, Massachusetts looks just like it did in the 17th century.

10, The first Thanksgiving was held in the autumn of 1621
11. Thanksgiving didn't become a national holiday until 200 years later.
 12. Sarah Josepha Hale, convinced President Lincoln to make it a national holiday,
after writing letters for 17 years.

Click here to order a free DVD from
Mike Huckabee about God's Role in American History


"You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God." 

2 Corinthians 9:11

Monday, November 5, 2018

Double Date !

Tom and I took our
 two oldest grandchildren,
to the Lion King in downtown Boise.

We got dressed up and had perfect seats!
The kids excitement kept building, 
  right up until the lights dimmed.

Both Lulu and Levi had smiles 
on their faces the whole time!

The only words from them were,
WOW! and a few laughs.

We went to lunch before hand and
after the play we had dinner and dessert.

Actually, it was first dessert then dinner!

Grandparents can do that!

Still smiling!


"Do everything is love."

1 Corinthians 16:14

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

While we were gone to Seattle, 
Kimmy and family, went to
Salt Lake City.

Baby Nathan had an appointment the
Neurosurgeon and Plastic Surgeon,

He's been diagnosed with Sagittal Craniosynostosis.
Basically, his skull in closed and he doesn't have a
soft spot on the top part of his head.

He is a very happy baby.
 He is surrounded by the love of
his parents, brothers, sisters
and grandparents.

Praise God, it's not an emergency surgery.
Nathan is scheduled for surgery
June 14, 2019

Will you put Nathan and family on your pray list?

Stop over at Kimmy' s blog for more of this story.


"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you."

Deuteronomy 31:6 

Grandma's Brag Book

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