Monday, April 23, 2018


After the snow melted and the
 mountain passes were clear,
we drove over to Seattle to see these cuties!
Our grandchildren, Scarlett and Trey

Then we came home to celebrate
Kimmy's birthday.
Yes, she is expecting #6 !!

 💙 It' a BOY! 💙
Nathan will arrive in late August.

🎈🎈More celebrating...

Lulu turned 11 years old.
She wanted a watermelon cake,
 Kimmy asked me to make one for her!
It was so cute and delicious.

These faces are reacting to the candles
falling, while we were singing ...


Three more birthdays in the month of May,

Kids love getting mail.
I send a birthday cards during their birthday week.
I'm all ready to drop them in the mail.


(turning 5)
loves Lightening McQueen and
 his favorite color is red.
He'll be getting a homemade pillow case,
Stickers, Plush pillow
Lightening McQueen Campbell's soup.

Ila May
 (turning 7)
I made her a bed caddie and stuffed it with books,
diary, small flashlight and an antique hankie.
Plus, it has a matching pillow.


(I'm still working on Isaac's gift.)

The next wave of birthdays
 are in August and September.
Four more!

Just in case you have lost count of how many grand kids,
we will have, it's....
Each is a blessing!


"And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony," 
Colossians 3:14

Friday, April 20, 2018


Spring is a new start for a lot of things.
I'm returning to blogging again.
I'm feeling all warm and hopeful.
I't's been awhile since I lasted posted 
and now I'm back, I think.

I'm testing my computer, iPhone and my patience.
I'm praying for smooth sailing, computer wise.

When I return again, I will share just what has been 
going on in my life.
A lot can happy in just a few months!


"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

Romans 12:12

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