Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Global Joy!

"Chilean miners rescue: This is a rare moment of global joy"
Posted by Michael White Wednesday 13 October 2010 11.30 BST

I'm glued to the news about these men and their families.
Prayers and praise!
Thank you God, amen.


  1. Praises and joy abound!
    Dee Dee

  2. Iam as well.Its so refreshing to see something happening positive on the news.With many other countries to who have contributed to their rescue.I just caught a glimpse of the 11 th minercoming up.They are now bringing the ones with health issues up.This man Has hyper tension.

    Yes I too am so happy for them and their families,they seemed to have really got things on the ball there.God Bless them!

    Happy wednesday to you!

  3. This is truly an amazing day for these men and their families and the rest of the world watching. We need to keep them in our thoughts and prayers well beyond this historic day(s).

  4. I haven't seen them all, but what I've seen has just been amazing and left me with tears.

  5. Thank you, God, indeed!!!
    A true modern-day MIRACLE!!!! :) :)

  6. Amen. Amen.

    Enjoying a rekindled friendship, fireside on a Sunday afternoon... priceless. =)

  7. We were away from TV all week so I didn't hear the rescue news until today. I am so impressed by the Chilean government and how they've handled the mine disaster.

  8. It was just the most amazing thing to watch. Love your fall picture on your header.
    Just so pretty...makes me want to head to the mountains! Have a great day!

  9. So very cool to watch this on tv...amazing!

  10. It is so wonderful when the world rejoices together! Thanks for sharing and
    s p r e a d i n g
    the joy, Christine!

  11. Yes, it's an amazing story.


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