Monday, July 13, 2015

Real Quick,

We saw two funnies this week
and I just had to share them with you.

Driving out in the middle of "no where" 
we came across this couch 
sitting out in the field.

Then I spotted this sign.
It's funny to me because everyone keeps
telling us that the heat (106 at times),
 isn't that bad because 
"it's a dry heat".

It's HOT!!!


Driving home after a family visit,
this was left on our windshield!
Thank you Lulu!

"We live by faith not by sight."

2 Corinthians 5:7


  1. That Couch is OUTSTANDING - in its field!


    I came across a few sayings found on signs. I'll have to send them to you. And - then you can use them here if you want. :)

    I'm sorry you're going through some heat. Yikes. 106*

  2. I saw on the news that you were boiling. Well, not boiling. That wouldn't be dry heat now, would it! haha.

  3. You all can keep the 106 heat over there!!! Dry or not... that is HOT! And love the photo of the couch in the field... it might be fun to show each of the grandkids the photo and have them create a story around the photo! Lulu picked out a pretty flower to grace your car with! Blessings my friend!
    Dee Dee

  4. Looks like you have made yourself at home! I love the picture of the sofa in the field! I did smile and laugh at that one. Are you sure you aren't in Florida! It's not 106 but its hot! Enjoy your week!

  5. We have humidity, and it's a killer, but it's not nearly that hot, oh boy! The couch pic made me laugh!

  6. These are great and funny! We are hitting the 100's this week..that is hot!!

  7. Dry heat is hot, yes indeed, and our heat in Southeast Texas is the humid kind that feels like a sauna.

    I needed that Scripture. Thanks!

  8. Sometimes real quick posts speak volumes. Good luck keeping cool.

  9. I love to spot funny sites while traveling, that is one of the advantages of being on the passengers side. ~smile~ I am a total sigh reader, especially at churches! Stay cool, our heat is hot and humid, I am so thankful for AC!
    Thank you for stopping by and for such a sweet comment!.
    Hugs, from me

  10. Oh, I can commiserate with you about the heat! Here in northern Idaho, most people only have window air conditioners, and that is not like central air, in the states where it is hot most of the year. So this kind of heat is really brutal... and I am glad that the temps went back down into the 70s and 80s here for a bit. Whew! Dry heat or not, it is really really hot! The couch in the field picture was hilarious!

  11. Both are great for a wonderful laugh! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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