Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas 2020

Yes, we saw it!
The Christmas Star!

This picture was taken from our from porch.
Look closely, up in the sky!

Below is a little information about the significance and about God's design.

"Jupiter and Saturn will line up on Dec. 21, so close together that they’ll appear as one bright shining star. Many are referring to it as the “Christmas Star.” It’s the closest the two planets have appeared together in about 800 years, and won’t occur again until 2080.
This conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn may have an even closer tie to the Biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ than its occurrence so close to Christmas this year. As noted by Johannes Kepler in the 17th century, a similar conjunction occurred in 7 BCE and could be the astronomical origin of the Star of Bethlehem  that guided the wise men."

~ Astronomy Magazine ~



Every year, Kimmy and I get together at her home to stuff stockings!
It's a great way to relax and go over the plans for Christmas.
We always end up laughing about something.
It's a great stress reducer.

Ten Stockings!

Another year of fun and surprises for everyone.


Everyday Banjo and I go for a walk.
Most days are the same but somedays we meet up with other regular walkers. Or we come across something fun or different.
Like apples that have fallen,
 that the ducks love to eat.

Banjo just watches them.

Other times it's the different secrecy.

Today on our walk, I came across a "sign".
Neighborhood boys put up this homemade sign.

It says.
" Snow Shovelers, 
any price
appt. not nessary      just call 
___-_______ to set up."

How cute is this.
Now we just need some snow.

Merry Christmas !!
and Peace on Earth


"Thanks be to God for his incredible gift!"

2 Corinthians 9:15


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Saying Good-bye to Aunt Bobbie

My Aunt Bobbie, went into Hospice.
Tom and I hurried over to the Seattle area to see her and tell her how much I loved her!


When ever we would travel to Seattle, to see our grandchildren,
we'd make time to take Aunt Bobbie out for lunch.
We'd discuss about what book, in the Bible, we were reading.
She loved to share God and the Gospel with me or anyone!

Lunch was our thing.
Birthdays or just getting together.
Sometimes we'd have tea at her home.
Always praying before we start eating.

We would go out for lunch and we'd both end up ordering the very same thing.

Dessert followed our lunch and it was always,
Lemon Meringue Pie!
This is why it's my favorite pie.

God gives us special people in our lives.
Aunt Bobbie was mine.
 Aunt Bobbie was my mom's older sister.
 But really, she was more like a mom to me most of my life. 
We love each other very much.

Aunt Bobbie always looked so nice and she sewed ALL her  clothes. 
She sewed her swim suits, too!
Kimmy and I were blessed to have several items in our closets made by Aunt Bobbie.
That's where I got my enjoyment of sewing.

Hawaii was her destination for vacations.
She even lived there for several years.

This is our son, walking her down the isle at 
Kimmy's wedding. 

Aunt Bobbie had a huge impact on me!
She became a Christian right after her daughter died.
She prayed for our family, continually.
She would literally get on her knees, everyday and pray.
She gave me Bibles, books and her love

Her biggest accomplishment
 was being a BSF teacher for over 40 years.
But really, it was her impact on me and our family.


When we left for Seattle, we bought a Lemon Meringue Pie.
I knew, I needed to share our tradition of
ending our time, with pie. 

When we saw each other we cried.
We were so happy to see each other, again.
Because of COVID, I haven't see her in months.
This was a special reunion!

I stroked her hair,
Read out loud to her, her Bible.

We prayed, reminisced and had pie!

She ate her whole piece of pie.
We laughed!
I then cried, knowing our visit was ending. 
She dried my tears with her napkin.
She told me, "Don't cry."
Still taking care of me.

I told her, if she sees Jesus, go home with him!
A kiss good-bye.

Love You !
  Love You !!
   Love You !!!
(this was our traditional good-bye saying)


"God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

John 3:16


 PS: This is a post I did about Aunt Bobbie a few years ago. Click here to read it.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

New Traditions


 One year older!

One more year of joy,

 One more year of love,

 One more celebration.

I had one of my best celebrations, yet!
Dinner, presents with CAKE AND PIE!
Both were lemon!!!
Oh, Kimmy knows me so well.

After dinner, we jumped into the the van and headed to our neighboring town,
to walk around and enjoy all the 
Christmas Lights.

We bundled up and were so excited to be out and about with so many others, enjoying the excitement of Christmas.

And this was on a Tuesday night!


 It was like one big party

I think we have started a new tradition!


 Well, I got "It "!  
I was down for about a week.
 I wasn't going to put up our Christmas Tree, but then reinforcements came!
Our grand daughters were so much help.
Not only did they put up the tree but decorated the house.
They did such a wonderful job. We all had fun! 

Banjo is happy!
His first Christmas with us.

New tradition has been started.


How blessed am I?
Ila May came over to help make Christmas cookies
 for our Christmas Eve Service, at church.

I love all this help. 
I have always said, it about making memories!

Another new tradition!


"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

James 1:2-4

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Put On the Full Armor of God

(Mrs. Miniver) 

I found this clip over at a special blog, plus a really good post to read.

My Forest Cathedral

I hope you pop over and read her post.


"Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil."

Ephesians 6:11

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Girl Dates

Girl Date #1

🌸🌷🌸🌷   Lulu    🌸🌷🌸🌷

Our favorite radio station has a "Name Contest".
They asked for a family member who has an unique name.
Well, I jumped on the phone and told them my grand daughter's name is Lulu!
And guess what? 
 The prize was Lunch For Two!

Lulu and I were so excited to spend 
the afternoon together, doing girly things, like lunch, shopping and 
then ending our Girl Date with a hot beverage.

We started with a salad and bread stick.

Then came the 
two different kinds of Vegetarian pizzas.
Personal sizes.

As you can see, it was delicious.

With the top down, we turned up the music,
and went SHOPPING!
We laughed and giggles so hard, our cheeks hurt.


Lulu did a blog post on our date.
Check out her post!
click HERE!

Girl Date #2

💗💕💗💕  Ila May  💗💕💗💕

Ila May came over and spent the DAY with me.
Tom was out of town, so this was defiantly a 
girls day together.

We started out by getting out all of my Thanksgiving Pilgrims.
Always a lot of fun to play with.
After playing, Ila arranged them around the house.

Next she dressed up!

Then it was craft time.
She got out my basket full 
of all kinds of fun things.
Now I have an Angel for the top of my 
Christmas tree!

We couldn't forget about Banjo!

There is a huge field that they
ran around in!

We ended the day with a 
Tea Party.

 Ila May went around collecting all kinds of items 
to use for decorating the table.

The coffee table was set amazingly beautiful!
She used jewelry, porcelain dolls. fans, flowers, dollies and candles in champagne glasses.

I'm giving Thanks to God for he is good.
What a blessing to have spent time, 
one on one with
my grand daughters.

You should see my face!
It has a HUGE smile on it.


"May He grant you your heart's desire And fulfill all your counsel."

Psalm 20:4



Tuesday, November 3, 2020

2020 Voting


We went as a family.
(Tom had business to take care of and will
be voting later)

Because it is such a important election.
Silas dressed up and wore his bow tie.

The lines were really long.
So glad we got there before the doors opened.
We waited about 15 minutes.
Levi and Ila May were my partners during the voting process.


I got my sticker!
What about YOU??


"A wise man's heart inclines him to the right, but a fools heart to the left."

Ecclesiastes 10:2

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