Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Prayers and Answers

I got a phone call from my daughter, saying that she needs to go to the Emergency Room, can you come over...well, my heart stopped. She was talking and explaining but I wasn't comprehending or putting the words together. Something about bleeding, don't worry, babysit. But I heard the word, NOW. I was there in two minutes.

That was last Sunday evening. All I could do was pray. Even then, I don't think I made any sense. But God knew my heart.

Mark took Kimmy, who is 14 weeks pregnant to the hospital. I waited anxiously. We had a few text messages back and forth for the next few hours. No news.

While I waited I notice a Bible study booklet out on the table. I picked it up. I read the whole thing, cover to cover. It was about different kinds of courage and how to use them. I felt God comforting me and showing me that I needed to be available for Mark and Kimmy.
To have courage, to do what I can do and God would do the rest.

They came home with no confirming answers but the baby had a strong heart beat.
Monday, Kimmy had an ultra sound and found out she has, mild placenta previa.
Both mother and daughter are healthy! Yes, it's a GIRL! But Kimmy needs to take it easy, and no lifting! Kimmy has more details over at her blog.

So, prayers are answered!

We all plan on helping out. I'm going to be taking a long lunch (two hours) to go and help during lunch and naps. How great is that! I work really close by. It's just minutes away.
Things will be busy around here but I am thrilled that God has a plan and that it includes a healthy, baby girl named Ila (eye-la).


  1. It is a blessing that you are so close as she will need you for support in so many ways. Is there ever a time when we can stop worrying about our children? The mom thing really is a lifetime journey isn't it.

  2. A scary thing to go through but so happy to read that both your daughter and granddaughter are fine. She's lucky to have you and the rest of the family close by to help.

  3. I'm so glad everything is ok. Kim ~~take it easy! Put your feet up! :)

  4. Oh, Christine, I can only imagine how you must have felt that evening and all the thoughts that were running through your mind. How very perfect that the Bible study was in the right place at the right time to remind you (and us, through you), that God is on the scene.

    I am so glad you are near to Kim and able to support and help her. YEA, for another baby girl!! I LOVE the name, Ila. Beautiful name for another of God's sweetest angels.

  5. Christine, I'm very glad to hear that all is okay. The power of prayer is amazing. Lucky for you that you are so close. You and your family are in our prayers. Jude

  6. One of my friends just went through this very sort of thing with her pregnancy. Scary... but wonderful news to hear that "all is well", and that they will have your beautiful hands to help out.

    I'll be praying for Kimmie - that she'll be able to rest and take it easy at this naturally busy time of year.

    ((hugs)) PS: I loved your comment you left on my blog yesterday... you could see it on Caleb's face. He's a lil stinker.

  7. God is indeed GOOD! I am glad to hear that your new granddaughter has a strong heartbeat. I will be keeping you all in my prayers. I am sure Kimmy is so grateful that you are close by and able to help out. What a comfort! :)

  8. Christine,
    When I read Kimmy's account eh other day, my heart just dropped for her, I had that same scare many times over the course of my pregnancies. Having my mom so close and available to help both emotionally and physically made such a huge difference! You are wonderful and your support, along with prayer and God's blessing will only add to her piece of mind and wellbeing! God bless you all during this time! In prayer... Dee Dee

  9. I can only imagine how frightening that was! I am so thankful that she and the baby are doing well. Funny how that reading material just 'happened' to be right there and it just 'happened' to be what you needed right then :D God is so good, isn't He? You have my prayers!

  10. I can only imagine the range of emotions you guys were going through. And for that little leaflet to be near on courage. Praise the lord that everything is ok.

    Take care, Viola over at www.alongawidowedroad.blogspot.com

  11. You are going to have a special little girl in your family, and I am so happy for you. I can't imagine how your heart felt when you received that call. I love how God was there to comfort you via a Bible Study book. I like how your family pulls together too. It is a privilege to do just that, isn't it?
    Congratulations as you anticipate this little one's birth.

  12. Thank God. What a scary, frightening time. I had that very same thing with my last baby, thought we lost her but God had a different plan.

  13. Christine, God is good! I've bookmarked this post so that I would make sure to come over here and let you know that a prayer of Thanksgiving went up when I read that both mother and daughter are healthy! I have a feeling that Kimmy will have plenty of help during her pregnancy. She very fortunate to be part of such a loving, Christian family. One time I read that there is no child luckier than a child who has a prayer parent. I believe that is most certainly true.

  14. Thanks and praise be to God!!!
    So glad to hear that all is well for baby and Momma. :)
    I will keep them in my prayers, for sure!!:)


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