Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Simple Pleasures

One simple brick, but oh, the things you can do with it!
Just one brick can help when you need some support or weight.

1. use it to prop a door open

2. when drying flowers, use it as a weight

3. if your dog has an accident, use it to help wick away the stain

4. paperweight

5. if your Christmas tree tends to lean or fall over, use it as a weight at the base (if you go back to part 4 of my Christmas pics, you will see the tree being propped by this brick)

6. marking a spot where you left off.

7. use as a table scape prop, usually with a cloth over it.

8. to hold down the lid of your garbage can

9. helpful when doing any kind of crafts

10. conversation starter

This very brick is very special to me for several reasons.
I keep it around to remind me of my history and my Dad.
My dad and I were very close. He died about four years ago and I miss him everyday.
I grew up in the same neighborhood as my Dad did when he was growing up.
I went to the very same Elementary school. In fact, we had the same 5th grade teacher, in the same room! Only she was Mrs. Youngquist when I had her, not Miss Nelson.
She remembered my dad!
The little school grew old and they were knocking it down to build a brand new school.
So,my dad went up to the school, one night and brought back this brick.
He was so excited that he had a souvenir!
This is my simple pleasure, one very simple brick.

I keep it out to remind me of both my Dad and my history.


Dayle, over at A Collection of This and That,

is hosting Simple Pleasures.

Please join us every Thursday.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Home for Christmas 2010 - Part 4

Christmas Day
Tom & I traditionally have an Open House
for friends and family to stop by for food and cheer.

First to arrive was Lulu and family.

I love this picture.
Mark is in the background helping cut the ham.
Kimmy is relaxing with Lulu.
Papa and Levi are somewhere playing.


Family picture.
Tom, Bev and Bob.

At the end of the day, it was all about Camp Lulu.

The End

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Home for Christmas 2010 - Part 3

Check out the time on the clock!
Yup, it says 6:07 AM!
Tom & I got up and headed over to Kimmy & Mark's home
to watch the kids wake up to Christmas morning.


Levi didn't quite understand why all the attention

Now look at the clock!

Didn't take to long to create a mess and along with a lot of fun.
Tom and I left after hot coffee and warm cinnamon rolls.
We were hosting the next party in a few hours.

more to come...

Home for Christmas 2010 - Part 2

Christmas Eve Day, we traditionally have Brunch
at Aunt Bev (Tom's sister) & Uncle Rick's home on the lake.

Lulu found the doll house that Aunt Bev had set up.
Usually, Bev has her grandchildren visiting, who live out of state.
But they couldn't make it home for Christmas this year.

The Little Dipper...

Levi loves to dip.
His mommy gets him his own bowl, no double dipping.

Very happy to have the doll house all to herself.

Uncle Bob! (Tom's brother)
No double dipping!

more to come...


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Home for Christmas 2010 - Part 1

Dogs were ready...
And table was set for...
Our Family!

Levi opening his present, piece by piece.

Uncle Todd taking lots of pictures.

Lulu and her new PJ's.

Levi in his new PJ's, scoring points.

Heart to heart talk with Dad.

The clean up crew.

Must be time for bed.
To many pictures and excitement.

We gathered together on Thursday,
December 23rd to celebrate as a family.

Todd and Stephanie were heading out
Christmas Eve to see her family.

more to come...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Normal Rockwell

Union Station Chicago

These are just some of my favorite
Christmas Normal Rockwell paintings.
Norman Rockwell captures the warm feelings
that I hope you will be enjoying this season.

Santa On The Train

Tired Salesgirl on Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Grandma...


Home For Christmas

The Discovery

Blessings to you and your family.

I will be spending my two weeks off from work, with my family and friends.
And remembering just why we celebrate this season.

Google Image

Monday, December 20, 2010

My Newest Bunny

Hi, my name is Lappie.
Lapin, is French for rabbit.
I received a package today!
No waiting until Christmas... I opened it up right away.

Dee Dee, at D Design, created this original painting just for me!
Blogging friends know me better then some of my "home" friends.
Dee Dee knew I collected bunnies.

Look at the shading and brush strokes!
If you look real closely, at the bottom, right hand corner,
you can see that Dee Dee signed it!

I quickly found an easel.
(need to get one that shows off the signature)
Isn't she perfect!
Somebunny is new in town.

My Bunny collection is in the office area
or what I call Paris. Hence the name, Lappie.
I love Lappie!
Thank you Dee Dee!
Yes, I'm blessed to have you as a friend.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree...

"Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree.
In the eyes of a child they are always 30 feet tall."

~Larry Wilde~

"Tradition: sit with husband in a room lit only by tree lights and remember that our blessings outnumber the lights. "

~Betsy Cañas Garmon~

"No matter how carefully you stored the lights last year, they will be snarled again this Christmas."

~Robert Kirby~



A cheap tool to use for putting away Christmas lights:

Wrap a strand of lights around a paper-towel tube. Tuck the stands' ends into the tube's hollow interior and tape the lights and tube together. For strands that run too long for a single tube, try a long pole or broomstick.

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