Thirty Five Steps and Three Landings
I helped my friend move into a new apartment this past week.
Tuesday, I went up and down 25 times caring clothes and boxes
Wednesday, I went up and down 20 times caring boxes, pictures and lamps.
Today she needed my help to rearrange and hang pictures.
She is finally in!
Friday Night High School Football.
After the game, our local Police Department sponsored
an Ice Cream Social, in the school cafeteria.
They do this, so the students have a place to party, responsibly.

This is our school kitchen where I scooped ice cream.
Lots of ice cream.
This is the ice cream that I scooped.
230 dishes, with two scoops.
There was plenty for everyone.
Candy, cookies, sauces and topped off with whipped cream.
This week I had a great work out.
I mastered the stairs and dug rock, hard ice cream.
Gym? Not me!