Friemily: fri-em-i-ly, noun
1. friends who you wish were or are, close like family
2. one or more adults or children, who act like family, but aren't
3. a group of friends and a group of family, attached to another by affection
We made-up this word to describe our friends from Texas.
Jeff and Shannan were our neighbors.
We did everything together, holidays, birthdays, births and deaths, weekends, weekdays, dinners, etc.
We would plan events but more often
it was spur of the moment, get together's.
Sometimes, we would laugh until tears rolled down our faces.
Then they moved back to Texas, 10 years ago,
right after their son was born.
But this Christmas, they came up for the week.
It was the first time back since they moved away.
We did so many things.
Snowflake Lane
Christmas breakfast
Ferry Boat ride
They loved the rain!
In Texas, they have had a drought.
(Brennan, jumped into every mud puddle he could and loved the moss.)
A tour of Christmas lights.
Visited Woodland Park Zoo.
Got a picture on the Jimmy Hendrix's Rock.
Look out for the bear!
We ate so much Seafood.
This was a dinner with huge crabs.
Brennan thought it could be a hat.
Tom told Brennan he could have
ice cream and popcorn for breakfast.
He loved it!
What is a trip to Seattle without going UP
the Space Needle?
It was a beautiful day.
We went to the Pike Place Market.
This is Starbucks first store.
Huge line!
Brennan contributed gum to the
famous "Gum Wall".

Bought some shrimp and fish.
Spent time with Todd, Stephanie and Trey,
eating a Northwest Seafood Feast.
Spent time together
"W" for Washington
We were the only ones crazy enough to be out in the rain.
They couldn't get enough of the stuff!
Throwing rocks into the water.
Shannan took many pictures
of the gray, rainy day.
She loved it!
Brennan and Lucy became friends.
Saying Good-By is never easy.
Good-by Friemily!
We'll see you real soon.