The first time I heard about the Little Free Library,
I knew I wanted to build one for our
here for more information about this wonderful idea,
The Little Free Library.
Todd and Tom both said they would help.
Todd designed the structure and then built it for me.
It is so sturdy!
The monument, for the library, was an old sign post.
Todd and Tom building The Little Free Library.
They used left over lumber, including kitchen, cabinet doors.
We started building, over at Todd's house
because he has all the tools.
Then we brought the library home,
so Tom could seal the seams to make it weather tight.
I use left over deck paint for the sides.
Then added a pop of red, for the doors.

The installation.
Todd's design has succulents (plants) on the top.
They add a special and unique touch.
It's Perfect! Just like Todd's drawing.
The Little Free Library.
The first one in Redmond!
(I still need to send in a picture to make it official)
For your
Little Free Library to be official,
you need a picture of the Library and send it in and the
Official Sign.
This is ours
It has a number on it. Ours is #7737.
The back is really interesting, too.