Monday, February 3, 2014

Celebrating and Monday Morning

Seattle Seahawks = Superbowl Champions!

Every time the Seahawks scored,
the Space Needle shot off fireworks!
(they almost ran out of fireworks, score  43-8)

The celebration started even before the end of the game.
I really like the top picture.
Fans doing "snow angels" in the confetti!!

 This is my kitchen this morning...
We had a Super Bowl Party!
Our cottage may not be big, but we do have a big TV.
click here
I've got work to do!
(no dishwasher just my gloved hands)

PS, Thank you Debbie for your really sweet and kind words this morning!


  1. Oh certainly do have reason to celebrate!!!

  2. Congrats on the win. I thought of you when I heard the score. Have fun with the dishes. When we remodeled the kitchen I made sure I had a dishwasher!

  3. Hello, We were pretty sad around here, but we know at least the Broncos made it :)
    Congrats on your SEA HAWKS!!
    Our party was more like mourning party.
    Have a great week!
    Blessings, Roxy

  4. I didn't watch the game but, woo-hoo! Glad your team won!

  5. Unbelievable score!
    I'm glad your team won.
    My kitchen looks like yours a lot
    of the time!

  6. I thought of you when I heard who won. (No... I don't watch football. I don't *get* it and am too lazy to try. ) I know you had a wonderful time making that mess in your cottage!

  7. Hey! I guess you did get my email! I'm so happy for you. It couldn't happen to a nicer gal's team! :D

  8. I thought of you through the whole game. I almost got on here to tell you congrads!! I am so glad you had fun and your city is rejoicing. Well worth the aftermath.

  9. A hearty congratulations to your Seahawks!

  10. Congrats on the BIG win! How exciting!!


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