Saturday, October 21, 2017

My Summer Vacation...

 (Continued from previous post)
We arrived in Seattle
 to the world, famous, SEATTLE RAIN!
So many variations of Gray!
This trip to Seattle was all about
Trey started Kindergarten!
Tom and I walked Trey down the street to his school.
You can tell it's September,
look at the l-o-n-g shadows and shorts!
Here's Todd and Trey heading to
the classroom.
I had to stay a few feet behind because
I was crying and sniffing so loud.
 I can't believe he's in Kindergarten!
The next celebration was
Scarlett's 2nd Birthday!

Here she is, 
getting some help, blowing out the candles
from big brother and dad.
We got her a purse that was filled with
girly things.
Because we brought our bikes,
Tom and Trey decided to go for a bike ride together.
So cute and so fun!

Scarlett watched as they rode away.
This is Steve and Jeanne,
my brother and sister in-law.
We have reconnected since our mom died!!
What a blessing!!

 After celebrating all week long,
we headed back to Idaho.
Really don't miss the traffic!
Really miss these two!!!!!
"How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity!"
Psalm 133:1


  1. Where did the time go and how did your grands get to be so old? So glad you were able to spend precious time with them on their special days.

  2. Your grandkids are precious, Christine, you all made some wonderful memories! To me this is what matters, making memories that last a lifetime, leaving is always the hardest thing to do, trust me I have done this so many times.
    Loved the scripture verse, I am glad that you have reconnected with your brother.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment.

  3. Your grandchildren are so cute. Oh, that little curly-headed blonde! So, so sweet. Unity is a blessing, especially in a family. I'm glad you had time with your brother and his wife. Have a happy week back home! Hugs.


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