Friday, August 30, 2019

Success! Praise God!

We are back and well rested!
The emotional roller coaster ride is over!

So, here is a quick
(as quick as I can)
overview of our trip to Park City
(Salt Lake City)

Nathan after his 
Cranial Vault Reconstruction Surgery.

Swollen but recovering nicely.

Welcome back reunion!
Released from the hospital.
Four days in the hospital and another 5 days
 before he could be released to go home.

           Before                                            After

This black and white picture was taken only


While Nathan was resting and recovering,
Tom and I went for a day-outing.

We rode a Chair Lift
up the mountain.
We got on, in downtown Park City and
rode up to 8,000 feet above sea level!

I just kept thinking of the movie,
The Sound Of Music!

Once you got off one chair lift you could walk over to another one and go higher!
We took one back down to the Activity Area.

The Activity Area
had lots of zip lines, roller coasters and other activities, for the family.
We were so excited about this, we took our family the next day!

explains more.


 There was also, a lot of downtime.
Time to relax or explore.

Lulu blowing bubbles of the deck.

Three kids went swimming and one stayed home!

The day we went to the Activity Area,
Ila May and I were buddies on a lot of
the rides.
We were good "screamers" together!

The kids rode a city bus for the first time!


 Tom and I took each of the older, set of kids, on outings.

We took the boys to
It looked like a castle on top of the mountain.

Image result for montage deer valley
~ web picture~

It's a very elegant hotel!

We took the girls to the Olympic Park.
Where the 2002 Olympics were held.

During the Summer time, they practice their jumps
and land in a pool! 


Here's Silas relaxing.

We did a lot of bike riding.
The bike path was right out, 
our back door!

Silas relaxing....

Tender moments praising God for
His goodness.

Silas relaxing...

Surprise!  Pizza!

Silas relating...


I'm showing you these next two pictures 
because a lot you of prayed for both
Lulu and Nathan 
this year.

Both are healthy and happy!
Thank you for the prayers and notes 
of encouragement.

This is our farewell picture from Park City,

God is good!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Just a quick update!
Nathan had his surgery and is recovering nicely,
His eyes are swollen but that’s normal.
Kimmy has been wonderful. She hasn’t left Nathan’s side but to shower!

We pray that his eyes will open and he will be discharged soon,

Sunday, August 11, 2019


🎡 "All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go.." 🎡
~ John Denver ~

Salt Lake City here we come!
For the second time!

(click here for the 1st trip)

We leave on Aug. 13th and 
driving (caravan) down.

This time we are staying in Park City,
where the 2002 Olympics were held.

Don't know much about that area but,
 I'm sure I'll find out!

Nathan is having 
Cranial Vault Remolding Surgery.

Nathan was born with his skull fused together, no soft spot.
The Dr.'s will open up his
scalp, remove and remold his skull,
then put it back.
This surgery is, an all day operation.

Big surgery for this very special and happy little guy! 

Below are views from the top of his head. 

See his elongated head?

He crawls everywhere, stands and really, really wants to walk.
But nothing stops him!
Not even getting stuck on the bottom shelf!

We haven't seen Kimmy and family for over three weeks.
Even though they live just down the street.

For two of the three weeks, we were in Seattle.
The third week we sequestered ourselves.

Coming back from Seattle, we didn't want to bring anything back, that might be passed on to anyone in the family.
Not taking any chances, this time.
Plus, we wanted to rest up from the Seattle trip before we go to Salt Lake City.

We've stayed in contact with the family by using 
Marco Polos (video texting) and Face-timing. 
I like technology for this reason.

Tom and I have continued with our juicing.

Keeping healthy has been really important.


We all have been preparing for this second trip, 
especially, Kimmy. She has thought of everything!

Nathan is growing so fast and needed clothes that will be able to go over his head, after surgery.

New Outfits!

Only outfits that zip or snap 
down the front will do!

He's going to be the best dressed little guy in Salt Lake City!

I won't be blogging for few weeks.
Tom and I are on "Grandparents Duty", while Kimmy and Mark are in the hospital.
Nathan will be in the hospital for 5 days and
 recovering for another 5 days,
at the home we have rented.

I will try to keep you updated.
Kimmy will be posting at her blog.

We are asking, again, 
for prayers;

Travel safety
Health and safety for everyone
Successful surgery (August 15th)
All the Doctors and Nurses 
To be able to share our story with others, in need of hope
Quick recovery
Back home safe and sound.

Thank You!



"Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will surely help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."

Isaiah 41:10

Thursday, August 8, 2019

This morning's sunrise while 
on my "walkie - talkie"
with God.

(If we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.) And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.
Romans 8:25–27

blog post


"But if we hope for what we do not have, we wait for it patiently,"
Romans 8:25

Monday, August 5, 2019

Papa Jack, a Legacy

I'm taking an idea that Brenda shared on her blog;
It's A Beautiful Life blog
by honoring my dad.

My dad (Papa Jack),
passed away on June 24, 2006.
We still miss him very much!

Below is a picture from a blog post 
that I did a few years back.

My dad was a war veteran and he served in the
United States Air Force.

         This is all I have left of my dad.
                    His Air Force hat
                    Shoe horn
                    Reading glasses
                    His handkerchief
                    Some of his ashes in a cement heart.

Collage left to right:
His middle brother, mother, father, oldest brother
           My dad is the little blonde guy.
My dad in his flight suit. 
             He received The Purple Cross
My dad loved to sit in the sun.
This is the last picture of my dad 
             before he died, weeks later.

My dad  LOVED his family.
Below, Kimmy and Todd gave Papa Jack 
a haircut before he had surgery on his head.
He didn't know they gave him a Mohawk!

Which brings me to this handsome guy!
Levi, our 9 year old grandson,
 has been asking a lot questions 
about Papa Jack.

It was an honor to give him
 my dad's military dress hat.

 Levi wants to build a 
Legacy Shelf 
to display this hat
 and other memorabilia on.

This has made me so pleased!


"The wise will inherit honor, but fools display dishonor."
Proverbs 3: 35

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Huxley Blaise 
Born August 24, 2019,
at exactly 8:00 a.m.

11 pounds!!!

 Huxley is our 9th grandchild!
I have been blessed to be the Doula for all of them!

Tom and I spent two weeks in Seattle, serving, attending, helping, working, and loving on Todd, Stephanie, Trey, Scarlett and now Huxley.

But we had time to visit downtown Seattle...

Hold the baby...


Play on the beach...

Hold the baby...

 Visit my brother at his home...

Hold the baby...

Take a ferryboat ride...

Hold the baby...

Yes, we did a lot of holding Huxley!


Tom and I use to live in the Seattle area. 
 When ever we come back to visit, 
we go to Puget Sound.

Either on a ferryboat ride,

or to the beach. 
Especially, when it was a really low tide, 
like it was one day.

My brother, Steve and his wife live only blocks 
away from Todd and Steph.
So they spent the day with us, at low tide.
The weather was beautiful.

One day we stayed home and 
played in the new water table,

We also went to the Seattle Zoo,

and rode the Merry-Go-Round.

 BUT... we had to go back home.
It's always hard to say good-by.
especially, when we had so much fun.

Now, we are getting ready for Salt Lake City 
and Nathan's surgery, on August 15th.


"Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Just as it is written.

'For Your sake we are being put to death all day long;
We were considered as sheep to be slaughtered.'

But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us,"

Romans 8: 36-37

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