Saturday, March 24, 2012

Visiting Local Coffee Shops - #2 & #3

Today, I want to show you two more coffee shops.
They share the same parking lot!
Tom and I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items.
Inside the store is a Starbucks.
It's smaller then most.
I would of take a picture of the tables and
 chairs but they occupied.
The employees were a bit suspicious
when I took this picture.
(note to discreet when taking pictures)
When we were finished shopping, we stepped out
the grocery door and there across the parking lot
 is the second Starbucks!
Personally, I never have found it enjoyable to "eat" in a grocery store where I do my shopping.
We chose this Starbucks to sit and enjoy the moment.
Normally, we would of parked in front of the coffee shop
but we walked!
This picture was taken from our table.
If you look hard you can see the other Starbucks.
Ahh...sipping a Chi Tea Latte.

These two Starbucks are just a five minute
walk from our front door.


  1. Those Starbucks' are very close. I am with you.. I would rather sit in the "real" coffee shop.

  2. The only place I eat that's in a store is the Pizza Hut in Target. Otherwise, I'm with you about wanting to eat in a "real" restaurant type place. I'm enjoying hearing about all your Starbucks. Where are you going next?

  3. that is guessing what area of the country you live in! haha.

  4. Lucky you Christine five minute walk to Starbucks, I am so jealous.~grin~ I am like you I like the Starbucks coffee shops better than those quick stops in grocery stores.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Christine,
    You new home is in such a fabulous area! Parks, coffee shops, grocery stores... wow! How I wish I could join you for one of your coffee shop visits... now that would be a memory!
    Happy Weekend my friend!
    dee dee

  6. Isn't it odd how they build them so close together. You would think that would take away business from one or the other!

  7. Yes, I daresay my grocery store has very little to recommend it for eating pleasure. Unless they are giving away something really good! WHen I was with my daughter in the city, I noticed her grocery store has a sushi bar with Asian employees running it. I have never had Sushi. I still haven't. :D
    Imagine two Starbucks staring each other down across a parking lot. Sometimes I have trouble locating one and have to stop at McD for an artificial coffee. Lately I feel like I've needed plenty of coffee punch to get me going. I think I'll go get one now! :D
    You said it right on the comment you left me about grandchildren. You have 3 of the sweetest, cutest I've ever seen!

  8. I just think you two are having so much fun since you moved to your charming cottage.

    Imagine all those choices when you need a java....... gotta love it!


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