Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fall in Southwest Idaho

The country roads are so interesting,
especially for the reformed "City Girl", like me.
Driving around,
I love seeing gardens full of produce.
Or farmers bring in the hay.
That's why we take the back roads to church.


Fall in Southwest Idaho
is colorful and tranquil.
And a little bit "down home".

"It is the sweet, simple thing in life 
which are the real ones after all."
~Laura Ingalls Wilder~

Sunday, September 23, 2018

If It's Friday, It's Date Night

If you like football you'll appreciate this post.
Even if you don't like football, you'll  appreciate this post.

Friday Night Date Night

For years we have been going to football games.
High School football games, to be more specific.

Tom played High School football.
Our son played in High School football.
I worked at a High School and we went to their games.
So, it's no surprise that we still go to High School football games.

Last Friday we traveled up some winding roads, 
up into the hills, for over an hour, 
into the back country of Idaho.
We were there to watch two very small high schools play football.

Idaho City Wildcats
(pop. 485)
Wilder Wildcats 
(pop. 1673)

And it was

I fell in love with the Color Guard.
Four older gentlemen.
All with mismatched hats, guns and uniforms.
They were adorable.

And boy did they love having their pictures taken.

But then it was their big moment,
so I headed back to my seat.

Speaking of seats!
We were on the 50 yard line!!
Best seats in the house.

Of course we had our pick of seats!

No, really, we had the pick of any seat we wanted!

 This is a picture of us from the other side
of the field.
(I circled us in red)

The school bus parked right along the sidelines.
Wilder was taking the ball down the field to score.
We couldn't see it, because the bus was in the way.

But we knew they scored because the bus driver
 poked his head our his window and yelled.
I half expected him to honk the horn and flash the lights,

Here's a close up of the scoreboard 
just to make sure.
Yup, he scored!

Oh, and at Half Time the teams used their buses as 
their Locker Rooms.

Being Homecoming, there was all the 
decorations and excitement.

Below is the Junior Class Float.

This one is the Freshman Class Float.
It took me a second to figure this out.

Half time was the crowning of the
Queen and King
of Homecoming.

The Senior Class float.

I tried to get a better picture but all the
parents were beating me to it.

After the game we followed the 
Wildcats paw prints down Main St.
to the high way, back home.

Small town football... I loved it!
I think the whole town of Idaho City was there,
 supporting their team.

Wilder? Well, I know two people who were there
cheering them on!

This reason we went to this game
 was because Tom knows the coach
for the visiting team, Wilder.

Another memorable  Friday Date Night
with Tom.


"Therefore, laying aside falsehood, 
WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are members of one another."

Ephesians 4:25

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Burnt Pot

New stove...excuse
Never make rice...excuse
Memory loss...excuse
Can't smell...excuse
All these excuses lead up to this...
 My favorite pot destroyed

 Or so I thought!

 Helpful Hint:
*Cover burnt on food with vinegar 
*Bring to a boil
 (be sure to watch it)
* Remove to cool down 
(remember to turn off the stove)
*Scrub with a stain-steel scrubbing pad.

I went a step further and cleaned the 
whole pot with, 
Bar Keepers Friend 
It's like it never happened.

I'm very happy!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Fall...Catching up

Spring and Summer weather gave us
a hardy crop of peaches.
 So we blessed ALL our neighbors, Church family, friends and our family, with huge bags of sweet peaches.
This is the last basket which will be frozen and
one more Peach Cobbler will be served for 
our dinner guests.

Tom and I love to spend mornings 
on our back porch.
It's there we sip our first cup of coffee, 
while watching the Hummingbirds 
arrive for their morning meal.

This summer we had up to seven Hummers, feeding and fighting.
Some would come up to us, eye to eye.
Such curious birds.

Sadly, we are only seeing one or two lately.
The rest have flown South for the winter.
I plan on putting away their feeders in a few weeks.
I don't want to encourage them to stay for 
our harsh winters.

My friend Mary knitted this handsome hat
and sent it to Nathan, our newest grandson.
She just had another grandchild, too!
A little girl!

Just by coincidence, both our daughters were married the 
year and same day ! 
Over the years, we have found out that we have a lot in common

💗Thank you Mary!💗

Fall Football!

Friday night, date night!
Tom and I watch our local high school,
play a football game.

It was Homecoming!
It started with daylight.

The halftime show,
 the lights came on.

The band played great and the dancers were really entertaining.
And "our" team won!


"Perfume and incense brings joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice."

Proverbs 27:9

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Quick Trip

The weather here in Idaho is beautiful.
Tom and I decided to drive up to McCall 
and stay a few days.

So with the top down, we took off.
Pinch me, is this for real?

 It's the end of the vacation season, up in McCall.
Things are slowing down, but still wonderful.

The crowds that use to line the streets are gone and
 the air is crisp.
No smoke from the forest fires and very few tourist.

It's also time for the wildlife to get 
their share of  food before the winter.

This picture was taken just a few feet 
from our places. 
No more walks during the day, 
without someone else.

The deer is another story!
They are so tame. 
These two were eating next to our home.

You can walk right up to them and 
they keep doing what they were doing.

This picture is of them locking horns.
Big guy teaching the little one,
how it's done.

One last stop before the two hour trip home.
We even got a front row table.

Here is our shadow as we were heading home.

The drive is divided into two areas.
When leaving McCall, there are grassy, fields for all the cattle ranches.
The second area, are curvy, twists as we go up the mountains and then down.
The road follows the roaring Payette River,
until we reach the Boise area.
Both are different and thrilling.


"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away."

Matthew 24:35

Saturday, September 8, 2018

We Welcome Nathan!

Nathan Mark, arrived on
August 24, 2018

I love this picture of Kimmy and her children.

This was Kimmy's first hospital birth!
They found out earlier in her pregnancy, that
Nathan needed to be monitored due to antibodies.
Kimmy and Nathan were watched very
carefully during the last months, in the womb.
So a hospital birth seemed the best for Nathan.

He came on a Friday, early evening, at 5:04 pm.

Everyone was in place.
Mark and Kimmy arrived at the hospital Friday morning.
Tom and I were back at their home, 
with the five others!

Things picked up around 4:00.
I got THE call and drove as best I could.
as it was Friday evening, rush hour traffic. 

I walked into their room to see that I had made it!
Mark handed me the camera and said, "Take pictures!".

Praising God for 
 a beautiful moment when 
Nathan arrived, healthy and beautiful!

First time holding Nathan

Everyday I see changes in Nathan. 
He's growing fast!
Kimmy and Mark's children

Lulu, 11 - Levi, 9- Ila May. 7- Silas, 5- Isaac, 2 
Nathan, one week

With a house full of kids, there is always something going on.
Do you remember the Ed Sullivan show?
He presented Erich Brenn.
 Erich would spin plates on tall sticks in a row.
He would try to keep them spinning by going back to the first one and so no.

That's what it feels like sometimes!
Always something going on and you have to be on your toes constantly!

I am a blessed grandma!


" May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans."
Psalm 20:4

Friday, September 7, 2018

Kitchen is finished!
(it only took 4 months...eeekkk)
The picture above is the old view 
from the living room.
This is what it looks like now,


During the remodel





The remodel took over three months.
We lived outside, on our covered patio,
 without all the amenities of a kitchen.

Today, I appreciate just having a sink,
with running water.
God has blessed us so much!

I haven't blogged for quite awhile because
I couldn't download pictures
from my phone to my computer.

Thank you to those who reached out to me,
during my absence,
wondering if I was ok.

Another blessing,
 is having old "friends" who care.
Your friendship means a great deal to me!
You know who you are,...wink, wink.


"Not that  I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in what ever circumstance I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both having abundance and having needs. I can do all things through Him who strengthen me."

Philippians 4: 11-13

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