"The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything."
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
-Author unknown-
Our son,Todd, lives about an hour away from door to door (ours to theirs). We don't see them as much as I would like. Both Todd and Stephanie (his wife of two years), have busy lives with work and going back to school for their Masters degrees in Biology.
Our daughter, Kimmy, has been married to Mark for almost five years. I feel very fortunate to have a son-in-law who loves our daughter so much and works hard to provide for his family. Kimmy has the enormous job of nurturing and teaching their two children on a daily bases. They have blessed us with Lulu and Levi, are our two grandchildren. I love being a Grandma or "Gammie", as Lulu calls me.
I've been married to Tom for almost 31 years. It doesn't seem like that long ago, we walked down the isle. God has given us so many blessing through the years. Our lives has been good. Thank you Tom for loving me and being there when ever I needed you.
Our Family is growing and I am so happy for each and everyone of them!
Over the past few weeks, I have shared just a few of the things that I'm thankful for. Today, I saved best for last!
So this Thanksgiving, I pray that you spend sometime with the ones you love. Just like we will be doing.
Last year, I tired a time-saving idea. After Thanksgiving dinner, all those dirty dishes were put in a warm, soapy ice chest to soak, until I was ready to wash them. This gave me time to visit with my family and a somewhat clean kitchen!
Theses are the after pictures:
View from the entry
The dining room now as the living room.
I love having the dining table in front of the fireplace.
Our living room and dining room are one big, long room. For Thanksgiving we set up another table right on the other side of the dining table. This makes one long table and everyone eats all together, kids and all. This arrangement will stay set up this way until after the first of the year. This makes it exciting and now has become a tradition.
If clothing smells smokey, put it out in the fresh air.
(I found this story and wanted to share it with you, just as a reminder for all of us)
Lucy being very shy
Arthur and Lucy have been such a big part of our lives. I am thankful that they are part of the family.
To stop a puppy from chewing on wooden furniture, dab oil of cloves on the wood.
You can read this story from my daughter's point of view. Kimmy has her own blog. Please go over and meet her and her little but growing family.
(Let her know that you are one of my blogging friends.)
Looking forward to being neighbors again!
If you use a liquid eyeliner, try dotting it on along the lash line, It will look less harsh the a solid line.