I have participated in a Blogger Party,
hosted by Karen over at
My Desert CottageWelcome to Paris!
This is where I create my posts.
Some of you know that I name the rooms in our home
and this room is called Paris.

My creative work space.
I have about seven Eiffel Towers dispersed all around.
I also have a collection of milk glass containers.

View to my left.
This room use to be our son's bedroom.
The walls are painted a green/gray color.
But most of the decorations are black and white.

View to my right
Oh, I almost forgot.
I collect white ceramic bunnies (book shelf).

View of the backyard.
Now, many of you are just getting to know my husband, Tom,
We share this room.
So the next few pictures are of the "other" side of Paris.
View from the doorway.We both use tables as our desks.
And yes, that huge monster on Tom's desk,
is an old but working computer monitor.
The view when I turn around.
Tom took off one to the closet doors,
so he could lean back and daydream,
ah... I mean get creative.
Tom's creative space.
I don't dare post any close up pictures.
It's all a work in progress, so he says.
In winter of 2004 the first floor of an «Iron Lady» was re-equipped into an ice skating rink. This was some sort of an advertising of Paris as 2012 winter Olympiad candidate.