Kimmy invited me to a Baby Shower
she was having for a neighbor, who is having a little girl.
Here's a little back ground story about Kimmy.
Growing up she really wasn't interested in cooking.
I would tease her by saying that she didn't
even know where to find the kitchen.

So much has changed!
Kimmy now decorates, sews, bakes, cooks and
even has taught her daughter where the kitchen is.
Here is Lulu is making the punch.
I was surprised at how creative Kimmy is.
She made a Diaper Cake.
Lulu added her touches by decorating
the cake with bows and toys.
I am so happy to see how Kimmy has grown into such a
graceful young lady who serves God with love.
While the Girls partied, the Boys,
(husband Tom, son-in-law Mark and
Grandson Levi), spent time over at our home.
Mark is so computer savvy.
Remember Tom's dinosaur of a computer?

It took up have of half of the room.
We had a flat screen and newer computer
that I used before I got my laptop.
Mark combined all of Tom's "stuff" and
transferred it to the newer computer.
The newer computer now sits on Tom's desk.
Look at the room on his desk.
And there is room for more stuff.
That leaves me with room for my sewing machine!
I'm a happy girl.
Thanks Mark!
A fun night for both Girls and Boys!