Monday, July 22, 2024

Catching Up


Father's Day Picture
Kimmy and her gang


Last day                                First day

First and Last Day of school pictures
Todd's children, the other gang!

Oh, how I love being a Grandma!


And then there is Miss Pearl
who as of today, is 7 months old


Lavender Festival

Ila May and me

Ila May, me, Pearl and Kimmy


It has been unusually HOT
this summer.
But we are ready for the beach
and backyard fun.


 (6yrs. old)

Some one on one time with Ila May (13 yrs old)

Every week Silas comes to mow our lawn.
This time he brought Isaac along to wash windows.

Well, that is it for now .
I'll really try harder to get back more often.

(This was a learning experience)

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Productive Backyard

Our backyard has been good to us this year.
Last year I planted 7 zucchini plants and was overwhelmed with so many!
This year I planted just ONE plant and it's perfect.

I planted twice as many Greens Bean this year, though. 
My favorite vegetable, fresh out to the garden they are! 

But the most fun about our backyard are our two
chickens, Henrettia and Dixi Chick.
We have been waiting for about
 two months for them to produce.
And LOOK....

This is our very first egg!!

Henrettia was so happy and squaked to annnounce her achievement.

Our grand daughter, Ila May wanted to celebrate
by making her version of Fried Rice, 

We even had Double Yokes!

We are blessed!
In many ways!

"By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples."

John 15:8


Saturday, June 17, 2023


It's been a long streach between posts!
(prepare for lots of pictures)

We said good-bye to Banjo at the first of this year.
We re-homed him.
Long story but he is better off with another loving family!

Tom and I took a trip to the ocean for a reprieve.
Cannon Beach is our  "Go To The Sea To Breath", retreat.

Tillamook Cheese Factory is a must.

They have the biggesst ice cones in
the world! (wink)

Another favorite place in McCall Idaho.

If we drive the VW and the sun is out, 
the top goes down.

A Bon Fire is a must when we have overnight guests.

Our Washington State family has been busy with all sorts of fun things.
Trey (10 yrs), was Shrek in his school play. He sang, danced and
said his lines perfectly for the family.

While we were back "home', we visited with my brother.

Our gardens are ripening and growing fast. 
Almost as fast as our grandkids.

I'm trying to keep up with new ideas and recipes with things from the garden.
Here I made Rose Water, out of our roses.

There were moments of refined culture.
We took the family to see 
EVERYONE loved it.

For Mother's Day I recieved a Chicken Coop and two chicks.

What a surprise!

Introducing Henrirtta and Dixi Chick.
No eggs yet but soon.

We find  "Love Notes" all over our home.

Ila May put on a One Man Show for our family.
We all signed in, recieved a Program and some Red Licorice. 
Then found a perfect seat.

 Her Mom even had a Reserved Seat.

Ila May danced, sang, read poetry, did magic tricks, and entertained us
with her spunk!

Volunteers were asked to join her on stage.

Tom is always the first to raise his hand.

Boys will be boys!!!
Tom has the younger boys waving to passing cars!
And yes, some honked back.


Kimmy is pregnant with  #7 
and it's a 

Due date: early December

Her name has already been revealed...

Pearl Christine!

I couldn't be more honored!


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