Friday, July 31, 2009
I'm Melting!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Record Breaking Heat Wave
We who live in the Seattle area, are not use to this.

For injured lips and tongues, try sucking on Popsicles! They not only taste good, but also reduce swelling and soothe pain.
I'm also going to be eating a lot of these this week to help keep cool!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
After Wedding Blues?
We walked up and down the town. Ate ice cream and found a water fountain that we couldn't pass up.
Later that afternoon, we crossed the great Columbia River from the Oregon side, to the Washington side. The toll was 75 cents! What a deal! We visited the small town of Bingen, on the Washington side.
(If you look carefully you can see Lamby)
Tom was looking after me and bought me this handmade purse!
Our trip home was beautiful. We went through Eastern Washington. Very remote and barren but very beautiful.
One last stop before we ended our vacation. This is a Fruit Stand that we see all the time when we visit Eastern Washington. But I never have stopped. This time we did. Yummy! Lots of fruit!
We talked about this trip when we got home. We have voted to make it an annual event.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sunday Picnic (day after the Wedding)
It was a short walk down to the dock for a refreshing dip in the lake.
Some sat on the deck and looked at old family pictures. Every few minutes you could hear a roar of laughter about a picture that someone was looking at.
But most of the time you could hear the splash of someone jumping, diving, swimming or boating in the refreshing, cool lake.
We all agreed that this was so much fun. And if we could, we would have another wedding the following weekend.
But WHO?
A cloth dipped in two percent peroxide and used as a pressing cloth will remove most scorches.
Sunday Breakfast (morning after the Wedding)
I suggest to double this recipe because it was delicious and went fast!
Everyone left because we had to get ready for the picnic over at Bev's (Bob and Tom's sister). That party started at 12:30 P.M.
In the mean time our son and daughter-in-law had a quiet moment with one of their dogs.
The Wedding

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Summer Review - (over half way through)

by Lauren Kessler
Roses that I just cut this morning!
Played with Kids and Dogs:
Lots of overnights
Spent A Lot of Time with Hubby:
Walking the dogs in down Kirkland
I'm enjoying my summer vacation. Looking forward to a lot of events coming up. This weekend, family is coming in from all over, (New York, Montana) for the wedding that I will be Officiating. We will be having overnight guests. Sunday, I'm preparing a breakfast for everyone.
Last night, our son-in-law installed a car seat in my car. This way I can pick up and deliver our granddaughter. Our daughter is getting bigger and bigger and finding it difficult to drive with the steering wheel always in the way. I "officially" go on Doula alert Aug. 5th, but I still have my cell phone handy and my watch with the second hand!
The Back to School Retreat on August 18th. I am the M.C., but I am also in charge of the table decorations. I will show you the decorations later.
Summer in review...I'm enjoying it very much!
When hand washing items other than silk, add a cupful of white vinegar to the next to the last rinse. The vinegar removes any soap or detergent residue in the water or on the fabric.