Some of you know that I love to
find clouds that look like animals or sometimes,
a Jet flying into a tornado.
Yes, this is an actual street name.
Oh, the fun I'd have if this was our street name!
This....well, I'd like to understand.
Yesterday morning,
Tom and I were drinking our coffees in bed, while reading.
Lucy was sleeping in between us.
The mornings are getting
really cold over here (26 degrees burr).
It was a cozy, warm and start to our day.
Until, I spilled my hot coffee on Lucy, who jumped up and
looked at me like, WHAT?
My coffee cup was totally
upside down and empty.
Tom and I both jumped out of the warm but wet bed.
We flew into action.
Tom gave Lucy a bath.
I stripped the whole bed.
I knew it was going to be a all day long,
process of cleaning up this mess.
Mattress pad was washed first.
I took off the duvet cover and washed the down comforter.
The sheets. pillow cases and duvet
were next to be washed.
Then all were dried!
This was just step one!
Have you ever fought with a mattress pad?
You think one corner is on and it pops off?
This went on for awhile.
My next fight was the
fitted bottom sheet.
Sweat was running down my face!
But the biggest battle was still to come.
Getting the duvet back on the comforter!
It was about 4:00 PM when I finished
making our bed.
There is something special about getting into a freshly clean bed.
I appreciate my bed and the smell of
clean sheets,
mattress pad,
duvet cover
down comforter,
pillow cases
and dog.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28