Monday, July 22, 2024

Catching Up


Father's Day Picture
Kimmy and her gang


Last day                                First day

First and Last Day of school pictures
Todd's children, the other gang!

Oh, how I love being a Grandma!


And then there is Miss Pearl
who as of today, is 7 months old


Lavender Festival

Ila May and me

Ila May, me, Pearl and Kimmy


It has been unusually HOT
this summer.
But we are ready for the beach
and backyard fun.


 (6yrs. old)

Some one on one time with Ila May (13 yrs old)

Every week Silas comes to mow our lawn.
This time he brought Isaac along to wash windows.

Well, that is it for now .
I'll really try harder to get back more often.

(This was a learning experience)

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Productive Backyard

Our backyard has been good to us this year.
Last year I planted 7 zucchini plants and was overwhelmed with so many!
This year I planted just ONE plant and it's perfect.

I planted twice as many Greens Bean this year, though. 
My favorite vegetable, fresh out to the garden they are! 

But the most fun about our backyard are our two
chickens, Henrettia and Dixi Chick.
We have been waiting for about
 two months for them to produce.
And LOOK....

This is our very first egg!!

Henrettia was so happy and squaked to annnounce her achievement.

Our grand daughter, Ila May wanted to celebrate
by making her version of Fried Rice, 

We even had Double Yokes!

We are blessed!
In many ways!

"By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples."

John 15:8


Saturday, July 8, 2023

4th of July

This year we did something out of the ordinary for 
🧨 the 4th of July ðŸ§¨

We went to a Demolition Derby!

I knew we were into something exciting when there were
a lot of young men wearing these brightly colored shirts!

The idea in a demolition derby is to hit 
and wreck, smash, crush
 and disable your competitor.

It was very hot, extremly loud (ear plugs are a-must)
and very dusty but FUN!
We were out in ALL the elements!

We went with our friends,
 who make this a family tradtion
every 4th of July.

As the sun was setting, 
this Red White and Blue stripped car was the winner! How appropriate that he was the last car standing!


“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”

1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18


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