I won my first Blogger Award from Deb Kennedy over at Hummadeedledee http://hummadeedledee.blogspot.com/.
I had been visiting blogs for a few years but with her gentle approach, I started my blog. And now she has rewarded me with the Kreativ Blogger award.
YYYY Thanks Deb!
The Rules:
1. List 7 things that you love.
2. Link to the person who has tagged you.
3. Choose 7 more bloggers to give the Kreativ Blogger Award to.
4. Comment on those 7 blogs to let the recipients know you chose them.
Well here it goes...
1. I Love God
2. I Love my family. I wouldn't be who I am without each and everyone of them.
Husband; Son; Daughter-in-law; Daughter; Son-in-law; Granddaughter; Baby #2
3. I Love my friends. They add such a gift to my life.
4. I Love being outside on a sunny day, sitting on my "grandma" swing.
5. I Love going to work and having the students appreciate me.
6. I Love doing new things that take me out of my comfort zone.
7. I Love the first sip of hot coffee in the morning.
Seven isn't enough but that's the rule!
Here are the Blogs that I would like to have receive this award.
The Gahan Girls at http://gahangirls.blogspot.com/
Lidanjake at http://gahangirls.blogspot.com/
The Domestic Designer at http://www.thebendintheroad.net/search?q=
Joys of Home at http://joysofhome.blogspot.com/
The Bend in the Road at http://www.thebendintheroad.net/search?q=
Homespun Living at http://homespunliving.blogspot.com/
Glimpse of my World at http://wwwglimpseofmyworld.blogspot.com/
Now don't forget to visit these blogs.
Congratulations on your award! You certainly deserve it! Thanks so much for passing it on to me. I love visiting your blog and being inspired each time I visit. Blogland is such a wonderful place to meet new friends! I will post about the award soon. Thanks again and have a wonderful day! You certainly made mine!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for passing on your award to me! It's so appreciated! I'll post about it soon.
Deb, please know I've not forgotten about this sweet award! I will be posting soon about it. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteLove x 7,