I have this penny "jar" that holds pennies that I find.
After my dad died several years ago,
pennies would pop up everywhere.
I found one in the street, just the other day.
I have saved them all !
I bought this cute children's book called,
Penny Love by Lisa Soares Hale.
It's about a grandma who is out
walking with her granddaughter,
when they find a penny on the ground.
The grandmother tells the little girl,
"Go and pick it up and know that Grandma loves you."
Through the years the little girl finds lots of pennies
and saves them in a penny jar.
And when she does find a penny, she whispers,
"I love you to Grandma."
After reading the book,
Lulu saw my penny collection.
That gave me the idea to make her a penny jar.
Here's Lulu with her jar of found pennies.
This book has me crying every time I come to this page!!
It's the little girl all grown up and a grandma.
And when her granddaughter finds a penny,
"the beautiful old woman smiled, looked toward heaven and whispered,
"I love you, too, Grandma!"
I get misty just typing those words!
When I read this story to my grandchildren and
come to this page,
Levi always asks me if I'm going to cry.
I always say no, but do anyway.
Well, back to my project.
Now that Levi is old enough
(and doesn't put pennies in his mouth),
I thought it was time for him to have his own penny jar.
I also have stickers for him so he can decorate his jar,
just like Lulu did.
I love you, too, Dad!