Saturday, May 25, 2019

Update on Lulu

Tom and I were going to go out
 for dinner and we thought, 
* Let's see if anyone else wants to go with us. *

Lulu did!!!
She has fully recovered from her spinal surgery.
(click here for more information)

So many of you have prayed for Lulu.
We thank you for all your prayers!
Our family appreciates what you have done for us.

                Before                                        After

We were so excited to have Lulu with us.
This called for something special!
We each put on a baseball cap and the top came down!

We had the music
playing loud enough, 

that we all could sing and 
not hear who was off tune.
(Tom ??)

Each of us had a huge, yummy salad.

To celebrate this date night,
Lulu picked out a watermelon cupcake.

We brought back the cupcake to our home
and talked and talked until it was time to take her home.
The date ended at 10:00 PM!

Lulu you are so amazing to 
have gone through so much.

Look at you now!

💗 Papa and Grammie-goo love you! 💗


"And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."

Matthew 21:22


  1. Such sweet moments for treasuring. So good to see your happy faces in your baseball caps and the top down. Celebrating life and answered prayers and good results. xox

  2. Awww...Beautiful!!!

    You and Lulu are just adorable! God is faithful! : )

    What a grand time! Just love that watermelon cupcake! That's something new to me! Did they capture the watermelon flavor? Lulu sure is a darling!

    Have a sweet Sunday!

  3. I am so happy to see this update. So wonderful to know she is recovered and doing well. Everyone looks so happy on this special outing. God bless you all!

  4. Praise be to our Lord, Jesus Christ for her recovery. I am so happy to finally get around to reading this post. Looks like you all had a most wonderful time. were riding in style! Love it! Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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