Tuesday, November 3, 2020

2020 Voting


We went as a family.
(Tom had business to take care of and will
be voting later)

Because it is such a important election.
Silas dressed up and wore his bow tie.

The lines were really long.
So glad we got there before the doors opened.
We waited about 15 minutes.
Levi and Ila May were my partners during the voting process.


I got my sticker!
What about YOU??


"A wise man's heart inclines him to the right, but a fools heart to the left."

Ecclesiastes 10:2


  1. That verse! Ha ha! I don't think I have ever noticed that before.

  2. Love the bow tie! How cute. Girl, praying for our nation and trusting God. One of my daughters said the first time she went the lines were so long that she decided to go run an errand and then go back in hopes it would be better and it was. Even in our small county the lines can get really long. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. That is the most unique voting sticker I've ever seen!

  4. ..and now we rest in the shelter of the Almighty, for he is truly our deliverer.
    bless you this day, friend.


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